Snap Peas

Pick pods young and eat the whole thing, shell and all! Let them mature on the vine a bit and they can be shelled and used just like a regular garden pea. Spectacular for all your favorite recipes.
  • $3.95–$9.95
    62 Days A great sugary treat picked straight from the garden. This pea can be harvested for snow peas or left to...
  • $2.25
    50-60 Days 2016 VBS Pea of The Year. The sweet crunch of this juicy pea is enough to make it a new family...
  • $4.95
    Enjoy the first fruits of spring with this quick maturing variety. The dwarf plants can reach up to 24" depending...
  • $3.95–$9.95
    2021 Pea of the Year. A novelty in our test garden. The 4" long, slender pods resemble a bean but have the super...
  • $3.95–$9.95
    NEW! 51 Day. Snap. 2020 Pea of the Year. So...not exactly a new variety. After years of grow outs and cleaning, we...
  • $4.35–$10.95
    62 Days (PVP) Incredibly sweet, tender, stringless pods. Plants begin producing quite early. Vigorous plants are...
  • $4.25–$10.75
    70 Days (PVP) Versatile snap pea - eat them at any stage. Sweet, crisp, tender, juicy pods are delicious whole, or...