Garden Vegetable Plants

Garden Plants - These healthy, sturdy, 6-8" plants are grown in 2 1/4" pots, in our special potting mix, and are ready to be planted directly into the garden after hardening off. Plants, one per pot, will be shipped as soon as weather allows starting in April.
We cannot ship plants to: AK, CA, HI.

  • #V03116
    25 seeds - $6.75 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plants - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    Grafted Plant - $12.95 - Out of Stock
    73 Days One of the largest bell peppers available. Blocky, elongated bell, 6-7" long and 4" wide with 3-4 lobes and...
  • #V03144
    25 seeds - $6.25 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    Grafted Plant - $12.95 - Out of Stock
    61 Days Formerly Fat N' Sassy. Extra early and extra huge! Perfect pepper for short season areas. Bragging size,...
  • #V00029
    30 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    74 Days Old Amish heirloom dating back to the early 1900's. Ranks as one of the best-tasting paste tomatoes....
  • #V00075
    30 seeds - $5.75 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    Grafted Plant - $12.95 - Out of Stock
    73 Days 1994 AAS Winner. Early and heavy yields of colossal-sized tomatoes with old-time flavor. Vigorous...
  • #V00240
    30 seeds - $6.05 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    57 Days Earliest tomato for slicing and it's hard to find a better flavor. Fruits are 4-6 ounces, slightly...
  • #V00711
    20 seeds - $5.55 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    (VFFA ToMV) Cherry. 62 Days A newer, sweeter version of Sungold! Golden fruits are filled with Vitamin A and...
  • #V00747
    30 Seeds - $5.05 - In Stock
    6 to 8" Plant - $8.50 - Out of Stock
    60 Days The tomato that seems to supply an endless quantity of 1 inch size sugary sweet tomatoes that are great in...