
As soon as the soil can be worked, sow seeds 1/2" deep, 3 seeds per inch, in rows 18-24" apart. Soil should be well-worked and loose. Allow 18 days for germination. Plant every two weeks for a continuous supply. Thin to 4-6 plants per foot. Plant carrots intended for winter use(storage) about 3 months before the first fall frost. Dig roots before the ground freezes. One oz. contains 20,000 seeds and sows 250 ft. of row.

Carrot Growing Hints: When starting carrots, plant some radish seeds with them as a nurse crop. The radishes will help mark the row so you can do some weeding before the carrots emerge. This also gives you radishes without using a separate row to grow them.
  • #V01610
    750 Seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    36 Day (baby) 56 Day (full). Outstanding at any stage. This early nantes-type produces smooth, slender, 5" roots that...
  • #V01617
    750 seeds - $5.45 - In Stock
    65 Day. Large roots are bright orange throughout. Harvest them at the 6-8" size or let them grow even larger and...
  • #V01668
    500 seeds - $3.95 - In Stock
    1/2 Ounce - $9.95 - In Stock
    75 Day. Great taste and easy to harvest. Nantes-type carrot with bright orange, uniform, thick, 7-8" long roots...
  • #V01620
    * 750 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    Sweet little baby Chantenays! Ideal for growing in containers or square foot gardens. Enjoy the delicious, mild...
  • #V01675
    2000 seeds - $3.95 - In Stock
    1 ounce - $10.95 - In Stock
    15 ft Seed Tape - $4.75 - In Stock
    68 Day. Short-topped variety with fine-textured flesh. Well known for its good processing quality. The roots are...
  • #V01634
    2000 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    Ounce - $8.95 - In Stock
    58-72 Day. The sweetest of all, yielding the most flavorful carrot sticks. The roots are 9" long, 1-1/2" in...
  • #V01633
    1000 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
    67 Day. A high carotene carrot that has a rich sweet flavor. In our tests it was picked over and over as being...
  • #V01655
    750 seeds - $5.35 - In Stock
    54 Days A high sugar, high beta-carotene early nantes type carrot. The very slim, 6 inch, tapered roots are nearly...
  • #V01674
    1000 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
    1/4 ounce - $12.95 - In Stock
    60-75 Day. For those of us not blesed with sandy-loam soil. The 5-7 inch, cylindrial, 'stumped-rooted' carrot is...
  • #V01696
    750 seeds - $5.25 - In Stock
    15' Seed Tape - $4.75 - In Stock
    60 Day. A 6", Nantes-type variety that is smooth and bright orange. It has a mild, sweet flavor with a delicious...
  • #V01697
    * 500 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
    85 Days Striking true yellow carrot. This crispy, tender and sweet 9" long, broad- shouldered, imperator-type has...